Optimize your Business with the Right Talent, Right Knowledge, Right Skills, and Right Tools

True to our name, The HR Helpdesk serves as a support to all things HR.
We are here to help you resolve and address common HR issues and concerns.
At The HR Helpdesk, we have various services that will help you address workplace
gaps,improve HR processes, and develop successful HR professionals.

Services for Organizations

HR Audit

HR audits play a crucial role in ensuring legal compliance, minimizing risks, improving HR processes, and aligning human resources practices with the broader goals of the organization. The results contribute to a more resilient, efficient, and competitive organization.

HR Audit

Developing Organizational Structure

The organizational structure defines how activities, roles, and responsibilities are coordinated and managed within an organization. Supporting coherence, communication and achievement of goals.

Organizational Structure

Designing, Analyzing, and Describing Roles

The process of designing, analyzing, and describing roles involves a thorough understanding of the organization's goals, a detailed analysis of individual roles, and clear communication of expectations. Leading to a better functioning business.

Designing, Analyzing & Describing Roles

Developing a Grading Structure

Developing a grading structure is an ongoing process that requires collaboration among HR professionals, managers, and other stakeholders. A well-designed grading structure contributes to fair and transparent compensation practices.

Developing Grading Structure

Developing Pay Scales & Salary Benchmarking

Payscales and salary benchmarking should be regularly reviewed and updated to stay competitive in the job market and retain top talent.

Developing Pay Scales & Salary Benchmarking

Creating HR Policies, and Procedures

HR policies and procedures are dynamic documents that should adapt to the changing needs of the organization. Regular reviews and updates ensure that they remain relevant, effective, and aligned with the organization's goals and values.

Creating HR Policies, and Procedures

Developing Employment Contracts

Employee Manuals serve as a valuable resource for both employees and the organization, providing a clear framework for expectations and policies. Supporting harmonious exchanges and understanding.

Developing Employment Contracts

Auditing Legal Aspects of all HR Policies

By regularly conducting legal audits of HR policies, organizations can demonstrate a commitment to legal compliance, reduce the risk of legal issues, and foster a positive and lawful work environment.

Auditing Legal Aspects of all HR Policies

Developing & Constructing Employee Manuals

Developing a comprehensive employee manual requires collaboration between HR professionals, legal experts, and other relevant stakeholders. Ensuring it is updated and remains relevant is paramount.

Developing & Constructing Employee Manuals

Establishing Performance Management Systems

A well-designed performance management system contributes to employee engagement, development, and organizational success.

Establishing Performance Management Systems

Optimizing Training and Development Processes

Implementing key strategies, can support employees to establish the skills they need to contribute effectively and efficiently.

Optimizing Training and Development Processes

Creating Remuneration and Benefits Packages

Creating effective remuneration and benefits packages is an ongoing process that requires regular evaluation and adjustments to meet the evolving needs of your workforce and industry standards.

Creating Remuneration and Benefits Packages

Services for HR Professionals


Personalized guidance and support to your company’s leadership team, managers, supervisors, and rank-and-file employees to help them unlock their full potential and achieve professional growth


Developing Career Plans

Crafting strategic roadmaps tailored to each of your employees’ unique skills, aspirations, and market demands for successful career progression

Developing Career Plans

Training and Development

Providing teams and individuals with the opportunity to acquire essential skills and knowledge to thrive in today's dynamic business landscape

Training and Development

Support with Current Work Projects

Providing expert assistance, direction, and resources to existing projects to ensure seamless execution and successful completion

Support with Current Work Projects

Tailored Advice and Support

Customized solutions and guidance to address specific challenges and maximize individual and organizational performance

Tailored Advice and Support

Questions and Answers (Q&A) Session

Interactive sessions fostering knowledge sharing, problem-solving, and promoting a culture of continuous learning

Questions and Answers (Q&A) Session

Peer Group Supports & Networks

Promoting connections, collaboration, and communication among employees and leaders for mutual support, learning, and career advancement

Peer Group Supports & Networks

Women's Professional and Business Network

Establishing a vibrant community of women professionals, entrepreneurs, and leaders, fostering growth, empowerment, and meaningful connections

Women's Professional and Business Network

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